We are at your disposal to clarify any doubts you may have.

Contact Us

    Why choose Veritable?

    We believe that the buying/selling process is as important as the result. And that good results are achieved when there is confidence, focus and, above all, a deep knowledge of the client and his goals.

    We have come to aid all those who:

    Feel invaded by excessive useless information.

    Feel insecure to make a decision, due to the lack of relevant and reliable market data.

    Feel helpless for not having a consistent accompaniment.

    Feel cheated by the discrepancy between the real estate ads and their reality, at the time of the visit.

    Feel lost in the bureaucracy.

    How does Veritable operate?

    1 – Deep knowledge of our customers

    For this reason, we make a point of meeting in person with each client to listen to him and give him the necessary tools, so that together we can establish a viable plan that meets his goals.


    2 – Relevant market information

    We provide relevant and reliable market data in order to ensure that our customers’ decisions are made in a confident and safe manner, especially in the Lisbon and Cascais Line areas.


    3 – Online

    With the exception of face-to-face conversations, our work is mostly done online, in order to make the process faster and save the customer time.


    4 – Minimalist

    We are minimalist in the information we send. We are aware that our customers are “bombarded” daily with countless e-mails and contacts that, in most cases, do not add anything to their buying or selling process. They just take time and energy. Because we have the greatest respect for our customers’ time, we are very selective in the information we send.


    5 – Confidentiality

    We know that buying/selling houses is a topic that involves many personal issues. Our country is very small and it is very easy for us to find people in common between customers. For this reason, we keep our business confidential.


    6 – Post-sale

    We are concerned with providing contacts of business partners who work in complementary areas, such as architecture, interior design, among others.

    Team Veritable

    Mariana Sousa Rêgo

    (Founding Partner)

    • Experience in Real Estate since 2015.
    • Areas: Historic center in Lisbon, Estoril and Cascais.
    • Graduation in Management from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
    • Master in Strategy at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
    • Fluent in English and French.

    António Sousa Rêgo

    (Advisory Board)

    • 30 years of national and international experience as manager at José de Mello Group. Had positions such as Director at Insurance company Império (1995), Administrator at Lisnave Internacional (1997) or general secretary of the GJM Holding (since 2013 and still in office).

    Mónica Ferreira



    • Real estate experience since 2017, acquired at Margem Sul.
    • Areas of expertise: Meco, Trafaria and Azeitão.
    • Graduated in Anthropology.

    Team Veritable

    Mariana Sousa Rêgo

    (Founding Partner)

    • Experience in Real Estate since 2015.
    • Areas: Historic center in Lisbon, Estoril and Cascais.
    • Graduation in Management from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
    • Master in Strategy at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
    • Fluent in English and French.

    António Sousa Rêgo

    (Advisory Board)

    • 30 years of national and international experience as manager at José de Mello Group. Had positions such as Director at Insurance company Império (1995), Administrator at Lisnave Internacional (1997) or general secretary of the GJM Holding (since 2013 and still in office).

    Mónica Ferreira



    • Real estate experience since 2017, acquired at Margem Sul.
    • Areas of expertise: Meco, Trafaria and Azeitão.
    • Graduated in Anthropology.


    Legal Advisory

    We currently have a partnership with Minez, Clemente & Pinto Monteiro Sociedade de Advogados SP, RL. Office fluent in French and English.


    Maria Santos – Graduated in Accounting from Faculdade ISCAL. Practices the profession since 1994. Possibility of attendance in English.

    Photography & Video

    Photographs and videos for real estate promotion – They are always from Intwolife professionals.

    Restoration and remodeling

    We have a partnership with the Wasi office.