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    “Know yourself and you will know the Universe, the gods and your new home.”

    – Socrates

    We were part of the new home, but the truth is that the first step to be successful in finding your new home is knowing how to define what is really important and non-negotiable for you, and for those who are going to buy with you.



    commandments of the buyer who wants to be satisfied after the purchasing process

    1 – Make a list of the negotiable and non-negotiable characteristics (see the video on buyers).


    2 – Calculate the available budget or how much should be “left over” from the home exchange you intend to do. To make a realistic budget you must account for:

      • IMT and stamp duty.
      • Entry if you are going to use credit (the minimum amount is usually 10%).
      • Value of the works (without having any specific property is difficult, but have some idea of the price/m2 value of total rehabilitation; in the face-to-face meeting we can help you in more detail).
      • Changes, deed and any others that you recall.


    3 –  Search on general websites what kind of houses you like; save the links.

    4 – If you are going to change neighbourhoods, it is essential that you know the potential neighbourhoods where you are looking for a house. Go around there in your spare time to find out which streets are your favourite. If you are a foreigner and do not live in the country, it is very important that you come with time to spare. At least 45 days. If you can’t do it for such a long period, count on 3 or 4 trips. And include that in the budget.


    5 – If you are going to use credit, consult your bank before any visit. It is a waste of time for you and for those who are showing the house. In addition to being counterproductive, if you are seeing houses of a higher value than you can afford, it will be very frustrating to start over from scratch in a lower “range”.


    Note: running online simulations does not count. You really have to take a few hours and consult your bank.. If you are a foreigner, ALWAYS start by going to the bank.

    Portuguese Buyers

    Cash payment

      • Do you have a portuguese fiscal number? Did you open a bank account in Portugal?
      • Do you know in which neighboorhoods you consider to invest?
      • If we get a product that fits your requests, how fast can you close the deal?

    Bank Loan

    • Did you check with your bank, if you are able to get a loan about the amount you want?

      This step is critical due to the following reasons:

      1.  You have already streamlined this part, and you will avoid wasting time once you will make na offer. In this way you will be more competitive compared to other the buyers who might be competing for the same property.
      2. You will only visit properties which you can afford. Visiting properties of higher values ​​will only make your decision process more difficult. All the afordable properties will seem worst to those you had visit.
      3. If you are able to pay more than what you had in mind, you may be missing out
        opportunities that could be better options for you.
      4. Check with your bank about the speed of the evaluation process of the property. Even with a pre-approvad loan, the bank will have to evaluate the property that was choosed. This process can be fast or slow, it depends on the efficience of who is attending it. Those who depend on bank financing are on disadvantage compared to other buyers. For this reason, even if you know that you meet all the conditions for bank loan approval, contact your bank before starting the purchase process and take the time to inform yourself once you are negotiating the loan.


    Foreigners Buyers

    Payment in cash

      • Do you already have a fiscal number and a bank account in Portugal?
      • Have you visited and known the neighborhoods you want to invest in?
      • If we can find a product that suits your requests, are you able to close the deal from distance? (E.g: attorney of power to your lawyer, or another person who can represent you, how long
        you need to be in the country).

    Bank Loan

      • Check with the bank the value of the loan. Generally, a downpayment higher for foreigners than for Portuguese.
      • Do you have a fiscal number and had open a bank account in Portugal?
      • Have you visited and known the neighborhoods you want to invest in?
      • If we can find a product that suits your requests, are you able to close the deal? (power of attorney to your lawyer, or another person who can represent you, how long do you need to be in the country?).