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    José Almeida

    Sweden, February 2019 – Rua Borges Carneiro 31


    “In 2016, I was looking for someone in Lisbon who could estimate the value (at the time) of an apartment in Lapa/Estrela, as well as the cost of possible works without seeing it. Who could give me a credible perspective of the possible evolution of the market for that area for the next few years and, in general, to inspire confidence; all this without the possibility of compromise, neither immediate nor in the long term.


    I presented this situation to the best Real Estate Agents and personally interviewed 6 Consultants in a final screening. The divergence of the values ​​that were presented to me, the lack of elements to substantiate them and the general attitude revealed a market without regulation, and a professionalism and competence inferior to those that I was used to in Sweden.


    Until I met Mariana Sousa Rêgo. From her I obtained exactly the data that I was looking for and that I sent back to my children, and based on that data we were able to start the process for future decisions.


    Last year, my father died, my stepmother waived the usufruct and the sale became possible. For that, I went to Portugal and stayed there for more than 6 months. During this time, the decision and execution process was followed by Mariana’s team of lawyers, architect and accountant in a way that brought the delicate family process to a successful conclusion, which was followed by a quick, efficient and economically satisfactory sale for all parties.


    I can confirm that neither in Sweden, Switzerland, Holland or Hong Kong we could have done better. In the rest of the world, I don’t know. But I doubt it…”



    American couple

    bought a house in August 2019, in Rua dos Cordoeiros 38, Lisbon


    “Yayyy!!! It’s real now! Thank you so much, Mariana, for all you did to make this happen. You are the best. When we come to Lisbon mid to end of September we want to take you to dinner.


    On another note, I referred a medication patient who is Brazilian to you. He is a computer engineer and he wants to move his family to Lisbon and work remotely.


    Thank you again. Muito obrigado! We are so lucky we connected with you. See you in September.”


    mother of 3 who sold her house in Entrecampos and bought a bigger one in Linda-a-Velha – June 2019


    Hello, Mariana,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I did not want to stop writing in the book of praise for the work you did during this process. So, I would like to thank you for all your care, kindness, patience, sympathy and professionalism throughout this arduous process. Thanks for everything.


    We spent 15 years in a house that left us with incredible memories – from starting a life as two people that quickly turned into 5. I firmly believe that in this new house we will foster new memories (different, true), but that will accompany us for many more years. It is a spectacular home for my family and we are all very happy with this change, for which we counted on your precious help, which I thank you very much.


    A big kiss and thank you for everything.
    Let’s keep on touch…

    Kiss, Marta.”