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    commandments of the owner who wants to sell well

    1 – Preserve your property.
    Nowadays, it is possible to check the history of your property online. Entry date, price changes. If you advertise with several agencies, this will have an impact, probably negative (see video on what it is to burn the house).


    2 – Know the minimum amount for which you are interested in selling.
    Especially if you are going to sell to buy another house. The balance between the two houses must be estimated. Or if you need to sell to complete another project, know the value of it.


    3 – Make sure your home is ready to sell.
    If there is an illegal part of the house, if there is a mandatory document to register. Watch video (mandatory documents for the scripture).


    4 – Repair what is needed
    If your house has any infiltration, or something that raises a question about the structural part of the house, do not hesitate to fix it. If it is too full, you should start donating or selling parts. Watch the video (how to prepare my house before selling it).

    5 – Qualify the person to whom you delivered the house.
    In the vast majority of cases, the ideal is that the sale promotion is delivered to just 1 person. This is how the market works in the most advanced countries. However, it is essential that the person who is managing the promotion of your property is willing to share his commission with all the realtors that represent potential buyers., in order to ensure that all potential buyers have access to your home, and that the information about it is clear, true and of quality (photography and video).


    6 – Pricing vs. market analysis.
    Be demanding in the market analysis. Ask questions and listen. Check if the information being passed to you is accurate and makes sense with the current real estate scenario in the area and country. Price is undoubtedly the basis for a successful sale with good results. Contrary to popular belief, making a price mistake (pointed upwards) can be the beginning of a disastrous strategy that will lead you to close the deal below market values. Therefore, even if there is no urgency in the sale, reflect on this matter and, more importantly, be rigorous and demanding when evaluating a market analysis.